Andres Freund <> writes:
> In my opinion the problem of:

> On 2017-06-12 17:13:34 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> assignments of relfilenodes have to be shortcircuited by pg_upgrade
>> override calls during a binary-restore run, or we risk filename
>> collisions.

> should instead be solved by simply not even trying to preserve
> relfilenodes.  We can "just" copy/link files to the the new
> relfilenodes, there's no need to preserve them, in contrast to
> pg_class.oid etc.  But that's obviously something for the future.

Right.  But until somebody gets around to fixing that, it's a problem.

Also, even if we fix this, we still have the issue of type OIDs residing
on-disk in places like array headers; that results in pg_upgrade having
to control type OID assignments as well.  I thought about trying to insert
an assert in GetNewOidWithIndex to ensure that no type OIDs are selected
automatically during upgrade, but it seemed a bit too complicated.  Might
be a good idea to figure it out though, unless you have an idea for
removing that requirement.

>> I intend to not only commit this, but back-patch it.  There's enough
>> changes in relevant code paths that logic that is fine in HEAD might
>> not be fine in back branches.

> Hm.

Just found out that 9.4 (and probably older) fail the assertion because
of the temp table created in get_rel_infos().  That's *probably* all
right because the table is *probably* gone from disk by the time we
start the actual restore run.  But we start the new postmaster only
once, with -b, so the assertion applies to the preparatory steps as
well as the restore proper.

Later versions avoid that by using a CTE instead of a temp table.
I'm not excited enough about this to back-port the patch that
changed it, so I'm thinking of just adding the assert back to 9.5.

                        regards, tom lane

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