On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 03:21, James Pye wrote:
> Greets,
>       Just a thought for a psql enhancement, afiak, it is not easily possible for 
> persistent connections to a database in a shell script..
>       The ability for psql to remain in the background reading from stdin and 
> writing to stdout until explicitly killed. More specifically, so a shell scriptor 
> can have "persistent" connections to the database by calling psql once(leaving it in 
> the bg), and redirecting stdio through a fifo(mkfifo)(sending queries by echo > 
> fifo, and fetching results by cat fifo).
>       When I have tried this in the past it will read the query, execute it, and 
> exit when the results are cat'd from the fifo.

Not sure if it's exactly what you are looking for, nor how well it's
still maintained, but....

I believe there is a took out there called pgbash which is a modified
version of bash that understands database queries natively.  I think
it's just what you are looking for.

Check out:  http://www.psn.co.jp/PostgreSQL/pgbash/index-e.html

Looks like it was updated for 7.3


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