On 04.09.2017 12:59, Amit Langote wrote:
Hi Konstantin,

On 2017/09/04 18:19, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
On 04.09.2017 05:38, Amit Langote wrote:
On 2017/09/02 12:44, Thomas Munro wrote:
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 9:23 PM, Konstantin Knizhnik
<k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
postgres=# explain select * from bt where k between 1 and 20000 and v
= 100;
                                QUERY PLAN
   Append  (cost=0.29..15.63 rows=2 width=8)
     ->  Index Scan using dti1 on dt1  (cost=0.29..8.30 rows=1 width=8)
           Index Cond: (v = 100)
     ->  Index Scan using dti2 on dt2  (cost=0.29..7.33 rows=1 width=8)
           Index Cond: (v = 100)
           Filter: (k <= 20000)
(6 rows)

This seems like a good feature to me: filtering stuff that is
obviously true is a waste of CPU cycles and may even require people to
add redundant stuff to indexes.  I was pondering something related to
this over in the partition-wise join thread (join quals that are
implied by partition constraints and should be discarded).

It'd be interesting to get Amit Langote's feedback, so I CC'd him.
I'd be surprised if he and others haven't got a plan or a patch for
this down the back of the sofa.
I agree that that's a good optimization in the cases it's correct.  Given
that check_index_predicates() already applies the same optimization when
considering using a partial index, it might make sense to try to do the
same even earlier for the table itself using its CHECK / NOT NULL
constraints as predicates (I said *earlier* because
relation_excluded_by_constrains happens for a relation before we look at
its indexes).  Also, at the end of relation_excluded_by_constraints() may
not be such a bad place to do this.

By the way, I read in check_index_predicates() that we should not apply
this optimization if the relation in question is a target of UPDATE /
Please correct me if I wrong, but it seems to me that in case of table
constraints it is not necessary to specially handle update case.
As far as I understand we need to leave predicate in the plan in case of
partial indexes because due to "read committed" isolation policy
we may need to recheck that tuple still satisfies update condition (tuple
can be changed by some other committed transaction while we are waiting
for it and not satisfying this condition any more).
But no transaction can change tuple in such way that it violates table
constraints,  right? So we do not need to recheck it.
Actually, I don't really know why check_index_predicates() skips this
optimization in the target relation case, just wanted to point out that
that's so.

Thinking a bit from what you wrote, maybe we need not worry about
EvalPlanQual in the context of your proposed optimization based on the
table's constraints.

Concerning your suggestion to merge check_index_predicates() and
remove_restrictions_implied_by_constraints() functions: may be it can be
done, but frankly speaking I do not see much sense in it - there are too
much differences between this functions and too few code reusing.
Maybe, you meant to address Thomas here. :)  Reading his comment again, I
too am a bit concerned about destructively modifying the input rel's
baserestrictinfo.  There should at least be a comment that that's being done.
But I have considered Thomas comment and extracted code updating relation's baserestrictinfo from relation_excluded_by_constraints() to remove_restrictions_implied_by_constraints() function. It was included in new version of the patch.

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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