On 05.09.2017 04:02, Amit Langote wrote:
Like Thomas, I'm not so sure about the whole predtest.c patch.  The core
logic in operator_predicate_proof() should be able to conclude that, say,
k < 21 is implied by k <= 20, which you are trying to address with some
special case code.  If there is still problem you think need to be fixed
here, a better place to look at would be somewhere around get_btree_test_op().

Frankly speaking I also do not like this part of my patch.
I will be pleased if you or somebody else can propose better solution.
I do not understand how get_btree_test_op() can help here.

Yes, k < 21 is implied by k <= 20. It is based on generic properties of < and <= operators. But I need to proof something different: having table partition constraint (k < 21) I want to remove predicate (k <= 20) from query. In other words, operator_predicate_proof() should be able to conclude that (k <= 20) is implied by (k < 21). But it is true only for integer types, not for floating point types. And Postgres operator definition doesn't provide some way to determine that user defined type is integer type: has integer values for which such conclusion is true.

Why I think that it is important? Certainly, it is possible to rewrite query as (k < 21) and no changes in operator_predicate_proof() are needed. Assume the most natural use case: I have some positive integer key and I wan to range partition table by such key, for example with interval 10000. Currently standard PostgreSQL partitioning mechanism requires to specify intervals with open high boundary. So if I want first partition to contain interval [1,10000], second - [10001,20001],... I have to create partitions in such way:

create table bt (k integer, v integer) partition by range (k);
create table dt1 partition of bt for values from (1) to (10001);
create table dt2 partition of bt for values from (10001) to (20001);

If I want to write query inspecting data of the particular partition, then most likely I will use BETWEEN operator:

SELECT * FROM t WHERE k BETWEEN 1 and 10000;

But right now operator_predicate_proof() is not able to conclude that predicate (k BETWEEN 1 and 10000) transformed to (k >= 1 AND k <= 10000) is equivalent to (k >= 1 AND k < 10001)
which is used as partition constraint.

Another very popular use case (for example mentioned in PostgreSQL documentation of partitioning: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/ddl-partitioning.html)
is using date as partition key:

CREATE TABLE measurement (
    city_id         int not null,
    logdate         date not null,
    peaktemp        int,
    unitsales       int

CREATE TABLE measurement_y2006m03 PARTITION OF measurement
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-03-01') TO ('2006-04-01')

Assume that now I want to get measurements for March:

There are three ways to write this query:

select * from measurement where extract(month from logdate) = 3;
select * from measurement where logdate between '2006-03-01' AND '2006-03-31'; select * from measurement where logdate >= '2006-03-01' AND logdate < '2006-04-01';

Right now only for the last query optimal query plan will be constructed.
Unfortunately my patch is not covering date type.

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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