Tom Lane wrote:
> I notice that autovacuum.c calls autovacuum_do_vac_analyze, and
> thereby vacuum(), in TopTransactionContext.  This doesn't seem
> like a terribly great idea, because it doesn't correspond to what
> happens during a manually-invoked vacuum.  TopTransactionContext
> will go away when vacuum() commits the outer transaction, whereas
> in non-autovac usage, we call vacuum() in a PortalHeapMemory
> context that is not a child of TopTransactionContext and is not
> at risk of being reset multiple times during the vacuum().  This'd
> be a hazard if autovacuum_do_vac_analyze or vacuum did any palloc's
> before getting to the main loop.  More generally, I'm not aware of
> other cases where we invoke a function in a context that we know
> that function will destroy as it executes.

Oh, good catch.  This must be a very old oversight -- I bet it goes all
the way back to the introduction of autovacuum.  I think if there were
any actual bugs, we would have noticed by now.

> I don't see any live bug associated with this in HEAD, but this behavior
> requires a rather ugly (and memory-leaking) workaround in the proposed
> patch to allow multiple vacuum target rels.

Well, it's definitely broken, so I'd vote for fixing it even if we
weren't considering that patch.

> What I think we should do instead is invoke autovacuum_do_vac_analyze
> in the PortalContext that do_autovacuum has created, which we already
> have a mechanism to reset once per table processed in do_autovacuum.

Sounds sensible.

> The attached patch does that, and also modifies perform_work_item()
> to use the same approach.  Right now perform_work_item() has a
> copied-and-pasted MemoryContextResetAndDeleteChildren(PortalContext)
> call in its error recovery path, but that seems a bit out of place
> given that perform_work_item() isn't using PortalContext otherwise.

Oops :-(

> PS: I was disappointed to find out that perform_work_item() isn't
> exercised at all in the standard regression tests.

Yeah ... It's fairly simple to create a test that will invoke it a few
times, but one problem is that it depends on autovacuum's timing.  If I
add this in brin.sql

-- Test BRIN work items
CREATE TABLE brin_work_items (LIKE brintest) WITH (fillfactor = 10);
CREATE INDEX brin_work_items_idx ON brin_work_items USING brin (textcol)
    WITH (autosummarize = on, pages_per_range=1);
INSERT INTO brin_work_items SELECT * FROM brintest;

the work item is only performed about 15 seconds after the complete
regression tests are finished, which I fear would mean "never" in

One idea I just had is to somehow add it to src/test/modules/brin, and
set up the postmaster in that test with autovacuum_naptime=1s.  I'll go
check how feasible that is.  (By placing it there we could also verify
that the index does indeed contain the index entries we expect, since it
has pageinspect available.)

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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