By the way, I still wonder if there's any way for a new tuple to get
inserted in the place where a HOT redirect would be pointing to, and
have it be marked as Frozen, where the old redirect contains a
non-invalid Xmax.  I tried to think of a way for that to happen, but
couldn't think of anything.

What I imagine is a sequence like this:

1. insert a tuple
2. HOT-update a tuple
3. prune the page, making lp 1 be a redirect (lp 2 is the new tuple)
4. start transaction
5. HOT-update the tuple again, creating HOT in lp 3
6. abort transaction (leaving aborted update in lp 3)
7. somehow remove tuple from lp 3, make slot available
8. new transaction comes along, inserts tuple in lp 3
9. somebody freezes tuple in lp3 (???)

Then we follow the HOT chain, see that Xmin=2 in lp3 and conclude that
the tuple is part of the chain because of an xid "match".

Basically from step 7 onwards I don't think this is possible, but maybe
I'm just blind.

Maybe we can forestall the problem by checking whether the Xmax
TransactionIdIsCurrentTransaction || TransactionIdDidCommit (or some
variant thereof).  This would be very slow but safer; and in 9.4 and up
we'd only need to do it if the xmin value is actually FrozenXid which
should be rare (only in pages upgraded from 9.3).

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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