On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 4:12 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Julien Rouhaud <rjuju...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry for replying so late, but I have a perhaps naive question about
>> the hashtable handling with this new version.
>> IIUC, the shared hash table is now created with HASH_BLOBS instead of
>> HASH_FUNCTION, so since sizeof(pgssHashKey) != sizeof(uint32) the hash
>> table will use tag_hash() to compute the hash key.
>> tag_hash() uses all the bits present in the given struct, so this can
>> be problematic if padding bits are not zeroed, which isn't garanted by
>> C standard for local variable.
>> WIth current pgssHashKey definition, there shouldn't be padding bits,
>> so it should be safe.  But I wonder if adding an explicit memset() of
>> the key in pgss_store() could avoid extension authors to have
>> duplicate entries if they rely on this code, or prevent future issue
>> in the unlikely case of adding other fields to pgssHashKey.
> I guess we should probably add additional comment to the definition of
> pgssHashKey warning of the danger.  I'm OK with adding a memset if
> somebody can promise me it will get optimized away by all reasonably
> commonly-used compilers, but I'm not that keen on adding more cycles
> to protect against a hypothetical danger.

A comment is an adapted answer for me too. There is no guarantee that
memset improvements will get committed. They will likely be, but
making a hard promise is difficult.

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