
* Robert Haas ( wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Stephen Frost <> wrote:
> > This is not unlike the discussions we've had in the past around allowing
> > non-owners of a table to modify properties of a table, where the
> > argument has been successfully and clearly made that if you make the
> > ability to change the table a GRANT'able right, then that can be used to
> > become the role which owns the table without much difficulty, and so
> > there isn't really a point in making that right independently
> > GRANT'able.  We have some of that explicitly GRANT'able today due to
> > requirements of the spec, but that's outside of our control.
> I don't think it's quite the same thing.  I wouldn't go out of my way
> to invent grantable table rights that just let you usurp the table
> owner's permissions, but I still think it's better to have a uniform
> rule that functions we ship don't contain hard-coded superuser checks.

Just to be clear, we should certainly be thinking about more than just
functions but also about things like publications and subscriptions and
other bits of the system.  I haven't done a detailed analysis quite yet,
but I'm reasonably confident that a number of things in this last
release cycle have resulted in quite a few additional explicit superuser
checks, which I do think is an issue to be addressed.

> One problem is that which functions allow an escalation to superuser
> that is easy enough or reliable enough may not actually be a very
> bright line in all cases.  But more than that, I think it's a
> legitimate decision to grant to a user a right that COULD lead to a
> superuser escalation and trust them not to use that way, or prevent
> them from using it that way by some means not known to the database
> system (e.g. route all queries through pgbouncer and send them to a
> teletype; if a breach is detected, go to the teletype room, read the
> paper contained therein, and decide who to fire/imprison/execute at
> gunpoint).  It shouldn't be our job to decide that granting a certain
> right is NEVER ok.

I agree that it may not be obvious which cases lead to a relatively easy
way to obtain superuser and which don't, and that's actually why I'd
much rather it be something that we're considering and looking out for
because, frankly, we're in a much better position generally to realize
those cases than our users are.  Further, I agree entirely that we
shouldn't be deciding that certain capabilities are never allowed to be
given to a user- but that's why superuser *exists* and why it's possible
to give superuser access to multiple users.  The question here is if
it's actually sensible for us to make certain actions be grantable to
non-superusers which allow that role to become, or to essentially be, a
superuser.  What that does, just as it does in the table case, from my
viewpoint at least, is make it *look* to admins like they're grant'ing
something less than superuser when, really, they're actually giving the
user superuser-level access.  That violates the POLA because the admin
didn't write 'ALTER USER joe WITH SUPERUSER', they just wrote 'GRANT
EXECUTE ON lo_import() TO joe;'.

We can certainly argue about if the admin should have just known that
lo_import()/lo_export() or similar functions were equivilant to
grant'ing a user superuser access, but it's not entirely clear to me
that it's actually advantageous to go out of our way to provide multiple
ways for superuser-level access to be grant'ed out to users.  Let's
provide one very clear way to do that and strive to avoid building in
others, either intentionally or unintentionally.



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