On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> I have just finished running some experiments that compared a series of
> INSERTs issued via PQexec() versus preparing an INSERT command and then
> issuing new-FE-protocol Bind and Execute commands against the prepared
> statement.  With a test case like the above (one target column and a
> prepared statement like "insert into abc values($1)"), I saw about a 30%
> speedup.  (Or at least I did after fixing a couple of bottlenecks in the
> backend's per-client-message loop.)
> This leaves us with a bit of a problem, though, because there isn't any
> libpq API that allows access to this speedup.  I put in a routine to
> support Parse/Bind/Execute so that people could use out-of-line
> parameters for safety reasons --- but there's no function to do
> Bind/Execute against a pre-existing prepared statement.  (I had to make
> a hacked version of libpq to do the above testing.)
> I'm beginning to think that was a serious omission.  I'm tempted to fix
> it, even though we're past feature freeze for 7.4.  Comments?

I think it would be well worth waiting for this feature. I often bind 
parameters in Perl's DBD::Pg, looking to the future when that doesn't just 
handle quoting, but also uses faster cached prepared queries. It'd be 
great to see that in 7.4.


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