On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 03:36:07PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:

> This leaves us with a bit of a problem, though, because there isn't any
> libpq API that allows access to this speedup.  I put in a routine to
> support Parse/Bind/Execute so that people could use out-of-line
> parameters for safety reasons --- but there's no function to do
> Bind/Execute against a pre-existing prepared statement.  (I had to make
> a hacked version of libpq to do the above testing.)
> I'm beginning to think that was a serious omission.  I'm tempted to fix
> it, even though we're past feature freeze for 7.4.  Comments?

Please do.  It could be argued that the feature is already there, and that
the fact that there's no way to use it through libpq is actually a bug.

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"Hay que recordar que la existencia en el cosmos, y particularmente la
elaboración de civilizaciones dentre de él no son, por desgracia,
nada idílicas" (Ijon Tichy)

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