The SuSE PPC guru said that the PPC spinlock code we currently use may
behave erroneously on multiprocessor systems.  Attached is the proposed
patch, suggested for inclusion in 7.4.  Comments?

Peter Eisentraut   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- src/include/storage/s_lock.h
+++ src/include/storage/s_lock.h
@@ -207,24 +207,24 @@
        slock_t _t;
        int _res;
-       __asm__ __volatile__(
-"      lwarx   %0,0,%2         \n"
-"      cmpwi   %0,0            \n"
-"      bne     1f                      \n"
-"      addi    %0,%0,1         \n"
-"      stwcx.  %0,0,%2         \n"
-"      beq     2f              \n"
-"1:    li      %1,1            \n"
-"      b               3f                      \n"
-"2:                                            \n"
-"      isync                           \n"
-"      li      %1,0            \n"
-"3:                                            \n"
-:      "=&r" (_t), "=r" (_res)
-:      "r" (lock)
-:      "cc", "memory"
-       );
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+"       lwarx   %0,0,%3         \n"
+"       cmpwi   %0,0            \n"
+"       bne     2f              \n"
+"       addi    %0,%0,1         \n"
+"       stwcx.  %0,0,%3         \n"
+"       bne     2f              \n"
+"       isync                   \n"
+"1:     li      %2,0            \n"
+"       b       3f              \n"
+"2:                             \n"
+"       li      %2,1            \n"
+"3:                             \n"
+:       "=&r" (_t), "=r" (lock), "=r" (_res)
+:       "r" (lock)
+:       "cc", "memory"
+        );
        return _res;
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 #define S_UNLOCK(lock) \
 do \
-       __asm__ __volatile__ (" sync \n"); \
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (" lwsync \n"); \
        *((volatile slock_t *) (lock)) = 0; \
 } while (0)
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