Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The SuSE PPC guru said that the PPC spinlock code we currently use may
> behave erroneously on multiprocessor systems.  Attached is the proposed
> patch, suggested for inclusion in 7.4.  Comments?

I looked into this some more.  The current CVS tip is identical to the
TAS code used in 7.3.* except for being gcc inlined assembler instead of
an out-of-line subroutine.  The 7.3 code is known to work, cf
Given that testing and the lack of any bug reports against 7.3.*,
I think the burden of proof is on the person who thinks we should
change it.

AFAICS the proposed change for TAS() simply amounts to reversing the
sense of the test following stwcx., so that the "success" path
corresponds to "branch not taken" rather than "branch taken".
I cannot see anything in the IBM PPC architecture manual
to justify thinking that this changes anything.  If there is any
difference in behavior then I'd think that having the isync in the
forward branch path is safer than not.  The TAS example in the manual
(p. 398) looks like

        loop: lwarx     ...
              stwcx.    ...
              bne       loop

which might be read as saying that the isync should be in the "fall
through" path, but I think it is more correctly read as putting the
isync in the "not predicted to be taken" path.  Branch backward will
be statically predicted to be taken, branch forward not.  In any case
there's no mention here of needing to code the branch in one particular

The proposed change from sync to lwsync during S_UNLOCK is interesting,
but we have to keep in mind that that is *not* a bug fix but an attempt
at performance improvement --- lwsync is a weaker constraint than sync.
I am not convinced that this change is safe for our usage, and I think
it would be folly to stick it into 7.4 at the RC stage of the cycle.

In short, my vote is "show me why" for the TAS change, and "no way for
7.4, but we can look at it later" for the S_UNLOCK change.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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