Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The last comment on the bug page says:

> "The Red Hat guys did a quick 'n dirty port.  It works, but doesn't
> quite make use of the best of PostgreSQL.  Also, their tarball is out
> of date with the current schema used by Bugzilla."

> The bug is actually assigned to David Lawrence at RedHat - maybe you'd
like to get some status from him? :-)

Dave is the guy who did the aforementioned quick-n-dirty port.  AFAIK
he doesn't really have time to do the wholesale redesign that the
Bugzilla developers have decided they need to have any database

The "doesn't quite make the best use of PG" quote is one of the best
examples of buck-passing I've seen in awhile.  If Bugzilla had been
designed with some thought to DB independence to start with, we'd not
be having this discussion.

                        regards, tom lane

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