Dennis Björklund wrote:
> > What is wrong with
> >
> > SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;
> The result is very hard to read since it's so much of it (try column
> instead of tables). The \xx commands do some nice formatting you
> don't get from the above.

This is an interesting point to remember for those that are advocating 
pushing psql's queries into the backend.  psql's queries are optimized 
for monospaced text screens of limited size.  Unless someone else is 
writing a command-line client, there would be little reuse effect, 
because any given application will have different display requirements.

(Another problem with pushing psql's queries into the backend is that 
much of the output that psql makes is not a single table.  Sometimes 
there is more than one table, or the information is in the table 
footers.  It'd be quite complicated to make the backend produce those 
kinds of displays.)

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