On Sat, 10 Jan 2004, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> > to remember way of showing the various entities in psql (at the very
> > least) would be of great advantage.  It's something that MySQL gets
> > right.  As it turns out, we already have "SHOW" in psql and it's used
> > for something else.
> What is wrong with
> SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;

The result is very hard to read since it's so much of it (try column
instead of tables). The \xx commands do some nice formatting you don't 
get from the above.

I would rather have long commands so one can write

\describe_table foo

and have the tab completion work for these of course (only for the long 
commands, the \dt and such does not belong in completion).

The information schema is nice, but it's not what I want to use at the 
prompt to view the content of the database.

/Dennis Björklund

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