> I would like very much to help any way possible in solving any last
> remaining issues.  Once the CVS sources are compliable, it will be
> easier to make meaningful contributions.  I'm really looking 
> forward to testing and benchmarking the win32 port.  A big thanks 
> to all who continue to work so hard on this project.

To answer the question, "what's left?"

There is one patch I've submitted waiting for application (12/01/04), and
I've got another patch almost ready (adds some missing functions, and fixes
busted Makefiles etc) that, with Magnus's signal code, will give us a
compilable, runnable, and somewhat buggy Win32 port.

It will then be a matter of fixing things like:
 * installation directory issues (/usr/local/pgsql/bin won't work too well
outside of the MingW environment :-)
 * general directory handling (ie. whitespaces in directory names;
forward/backslash path canonicalization)
 * sync issues
 * any missing structs/items in shared memory
 * generally, running the test suite, and fixing whatever is busted (I'm at
41 tests passing now :-)

I'm imagining we'll be in a position to be able to start on the above in as
little as 2 weeks...


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