Tom Lane wrote:
> Claudio Natoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > One important thing I forgot, that someone could start looking at now:
> >  *  backends keeping files open when other backends are trying to
> > delete/rename them
> > We must do better for the official port,
> Why?  The procedure you mentioned seems perfectly adequate to me,
> seeing that it's a bit of a corner case to start with.

Because, on occasion, I end up with GBs of log files hanging around. You can
wrack up disk space real fast that way.

> I cannot think of any way of "doing better" that wouldn't be far too
> invasive to be acceptable.

In that case, I'm more than happy to contribute the code for this solution
along with the remaining changes I've got ahead of me, but, still, if
someone thinks they can do better without a great deal of drama (which, like
you, I think is unlikely) then I'm all for it.


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