Bitter experience... I am going to cc Dave here, because I could swear we went through many conniptions trying to make this work.

And yet I just did this:

create view mytables as select relname from pg_class where relam = 0 and relname not like 'pg_%';

And it seems to work fine.

Oh, now I remember. The deal was not views, it was triggers. Since our geometry_columns contains some information not available via a query on existing data, a trigger was what we wanted, so we could harvest the information from a variety of places, and have some spare columns for things like the geometry selectivity stats.


On Tuesday, February 3, 2004, at 11:00 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Paul Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
In an idea world though, we would construct the thing as a view, so
that when you did a CREATE TABLE that included a geometry type, you
would automatically get a row in geometry_columns. That requires a view
on system tables though, and that just does not work. :/

Uh, what makes you say it doesn't work?

regards, tom lane

     Paul Ramsey
     Refractions Research
     Phone: (250) 885-0632

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