On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 09:30:12PM -0300, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> June 1st, let's do beta for 7.5 and then branch onto 8.0, with 8.0 key'd
> to the Win32 Native port being finished ...

I seem to remember the same argument at 7.4 time.  I don't use
Windows, I think it's a bletcherous system, but I really think
delaying the Windows port Yet Again will make the project almost
completely irrelevant to a significant audience.  I completely agree
that it'd be a bad idea to slip indefinitely on the basis of "Windows
is still not ready," but if it's a matter of changing freeze date by
a month, given the long notice, why is that a bad thing?

The Windows port is _extremely_ important for a lot of people, and I
think it'd be short sighted to ignore that constituency, even if they
are mostly not here yet.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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