Bruce Momjian wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
On Mon, 17 May 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> > Most hopefully this is very discouraging! Connection pools are a nice
> > thing and I have used pgpool recently with great success, for pooling
> > connections. But attempting to deliver multimaster replication as a
> > byproduct of a connection pool isn't going to become an enterprise
> > feature. And the more half-baked, half-functional and half-reliable
> > replication attempts there are, the harder it will be to finally get a
> > real solution being recognized.
> Well, considering we offer _nothing_ for multi-master right now, I think
> it is a valuable project.

Connection pooling is *not* multi master ... it doesn't even simulate
multi-master ... multi-master, at least as far as I'm aware, means "no
point of failure", and connection pooling creates a *single* point of
failure ... the pgpool process dies, you've lost all connections to the
database ...

I think people are confusing pgpool with pgcluster.

And you wonder where that's coming from, eh? Tatsuo is advertising pgpool as a synchronous replication system suitable for failover. Quoting from the pgpool-1.0 README:

   pgpool could be used as a replication server. This allows real-time
   backuping of the database to avoid disk failures. pgpool sends
   exactly same query to each PostgreSQL servers to accomplish
   replication. So pgpool can be regarded as a "synchronous
   replication server".

Don't get me wrong, as said pgpool works great for the purpose I tested, the pooling. But statements like that are causing the confusion here.


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