Tom Lane wrote:

Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I have seen this failure several times, but not consistently, on the buildfarm member otter (Debian/MIPS) and possible on others, and am wondering if it indicates a possible race condition on DROP SCHEMA CASCADE.

Hard to see what, considering that there's only one backend touching
that tablespace in the test. I'd be inclined to wonder if there's
a filesystem-level problem on that platform. What filesystem are you
running on anyway?

I have just seen this error again, this time on Cygwin. I did a trawl thought the buildfarm history looking for other occurrences and found it happening on many platforms:

pgbuildfarm=# select name, operating_system, stage, count from buildsystems b, (select 
sysname, stage, count(*) as count from build_status where log ~ 'tablespace 
"testspace" is not empty' group by sysname, stage) as s where;

name | operating_system | stage | count


spoonbill | OpenBSD          | Check        |     2

lionfish  | Linux            | Check        |     9

kudu      | Solaris          | InstallCheck |     1

kudu      | Solaris          | Check        |     5

emu       | OpenBSD          | Check        |   137

loris     | Windows          | Check        |     2

gibbon    | Cygwin           | InstallCheck |     1

panda     | Linux Debian     | Check        |     3

otter     | Debian Linux     | Check        |     2

hare      | Debian Linux     | Check        |     3

dog       | Fedora Core      | Check        |    17

fantail   | Linux            | Check        |     3

osprey    | NetBSD           | Check        |    15

(13 rows)



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