There are two different concerns here.

1. transactions loss because of unexpected power loss and/or system failure
2. inconsistent database state

For many application (1) is fairly acceptable, and (2) is not.

So I'd like to formulate my questions by another way.

- if PostgeSQL is running without fsync, and power loss occur, which kind
of damage is possible? 1, 2, or both?

- it looks like with proper fwrite/fflush policy it is possible to
guarantee that only transactions loss may occur, but database
keeps some consistent state as before (several) last transactions.
Is it true for PostgeSQL?

Evgeny Rodichev                          Sternberg Astronomical Institute
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                              Moscow State University
Phone: 007 (095) 939 2383
Fax:   007 (095) 932 8841             

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