> PgFoundry has been brought up quite a bit lately. How we want
> it to succeed, how we want it to be the hub of PostgreSQL development.
> So my question is... Why isn't it?

Speaking only for myself, I volunteered to have my project moved over
first as a test case.  This was agreed, the original plan being to start
moving the project "within two weeks."  It stretched into months, many of
them, and at some point I figured I'd asking and just wait to be notified.
 That must have been over a year ago by now.

A lot of stuff happened to me personally over that waiting period (like
living in three noncontiguous countries) so I may easily have missed, or
even forgotten, an announcement on one of the mailing lists.

I'm not unique, however.  The same may be true of others.  So if you want
to  encourage people to migrate to the new site, tell them about it and
repeat, repeat, repeat!  Post an announcement for each project that makes
the jump.  Bring it to the fore.  Convey the fact--assuming it is one, of
course--that this is where the Postgres-related projects are headed.  Keep
people updated.  Did I mention "repeat" as well?


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