> One related idea that I have been meaning to moot for a while 
> now though, is that of a 'utility' database. One of the 
> problems we've always had in pgAdmin (and presumably 
> phpPgAdmin as well), is that the only database we know exists 
> with any reasonable surety is template1, and consequently, 
> this is the default database that pgAdmin connects to.
> There are obvious problems with this - in particular:
> - Newbies may not realise the significance of making their 
> initial experiments in template1
> - Administrators may not want users connecting to template1
> - We don't want to create utility objects in template1 to 
> offer enhanced functionality in the client.
> To overcome this, a alternative database created by initdb 
> would be very useful. This would be roughly the equivalent of 
> SQL Server's 'msdb'
> database and would allow:
> - A default non-template database for apps to connect to initially
> - A standard place for apps like pgAgent to store their 
> cluster-specific configuration & data
> - A standard place for apps like pgAdmin to store utility objects
> What are peoples thoughts on this?

I think this is a very good idea. I've come up against this need once or
twice before.. And the fact that stuff in template1 gets propagated out
to all newly created databases can be a major pain when this happens.

A shared database for this stuff would be great - then each tool could
just create a schema for it's own stuff.

How does pgAdmin deal with this today?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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