Doh, sorry for coming off sounding like a knob point is that it's not like you guys are some sort of rogue faction implementing range partitioning against the wishes of "the Man" - it's something that I think we all agree we want in the backend, so I don't see why you are making it hard to discuss and follow the project.

Keeping it among yourselves is just a recipe for a bad case of "group think"...


Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

I still think the fact that that discussion is taking place on a
completely non-hackers mailing list is the lamest thing ever...

What, like phpPgAdmin?  ;-)

Erm. Last time I checked phpPgAdmin was a userland application, using PHP and libpq. Bizgres is proposing modifying PostgreSQL itself and getting those changes into PostgreSQL proper. Please move your discussions to -hackers. I, and many other devs have no interest in subscribing to your own little list.


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