Bruce Momjian wrote:
Dave Page wrote:

The problem is, pg_hba.conf might be editted via the OS unlike the text
version of pg_shadow which is only editted via the server, which would
make appropriate locking nigh-on impossible afaics.

Unless you're advocating only allowing pg_hba modifications via the
server, in which case it must be started in default configuration before
any mods can be made. That doesn't seem like a good idea to me :-(

I am thinking we will need load_pg_hba() and write_pg_hba() that will
load and write the table to pg_hba.conf.

Isn't the pg_hba.conf situation quite the same as postgresql.conf? The GUCs with pg_settings is the GUC like a table, but with comments that exceed config_generic.long_desc.


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