I'm not interested in storing less information.  I'm trying to make sure
that all redundant information is justified.  Since I plan to store the
actual query text and the full EXPLAIN ANALYZE output, every
column I pull out and put in another table is redundant data.  The
questions are, why do we have it, is it going to be used heavily
enough in such a way that it should be stored redundantly?  If the
goal is to be able to get at the number of filters, etc., perhaps
table which digests this to a form which can be used in summary
queries is what's needed.  If this is a rare type of query which few
people will run, maybe they can go to the EXPLAIN ANALYZE,
using the line number info, and grab it from there.


>>> Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com>  >>>

I'm also really unclear on why you're so focused on storing less 
information rather than more.  In an "investigation" tool like this,
important to collect as much data as possible because we don't know
going to be valuable until we analyze it.   You seem to be starting out 
with the idea that you *already* know exactly where the problems are 
located, in which case why develop a tool at all?  Just fix the problem.

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