On Nov 21, 2005, at 1:14 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Bob Ippolito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Nov 21, 2005, at 12:44 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Try dropping the type.

I did try that, I guess it didn't make it to the list yet:

mochi=# drop type ping_1132387200;
ERROR:  cache lookup failed for relation 211174567

Hmm, apparently there are still entries in pg_depend for these objects. Would you look to see what is in pg_depend with either objid or refobjid
equal to either 211174567 or the type's oid (possibly 211174568, but

I don't know how to get the oid of a type.. but there are certainly entries in pg_depend with the other criteria:

mochi=# select * from pg_depend where objid=211174567;
classid | objid | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid | deptype ---------+-----------+----------+------------+----------- +-------------+--------- 1259 | 211174567 | 0 | 2615 | 2200 | 0 | n 1259 | 211174567 | 0 | 1259 | 103327322 | 0 | n
(2 rows)

mochi=# select * from pg_depend where refobjid=211174567;
classid | objid | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid | deptype ---------+-----------+----------+------------+----------- +-------------+--------- 2606 | 212119648 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 1 | a 2606 | 212119648 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 1 | n 2606 | 212119649 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 2 | a 2606 | 212119649 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 2 | n 1247 | 211174568 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 0 | i 2604 | 211174569 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 1 | a 1259 | 211174570 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 0 | i 2606 | 211174574 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 1 | a 1259 | 211174575 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 2 | a 1259 | 211174576 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 4 | a 1259 | 211174576 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 2 | a 1259 | 211174577 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 4 | a 1259 | 211174577 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 7 | a 1259 | 211174577 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 2 | a 1259 | 211174578 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 4 | a 1259 | 211174578 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 8 | a 1259 | 211174578 | 0 | 1259 | 211174567 | 2 | a
(17 rows)


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