> > > Indeed, that's definitly a bug. Quick patch attached. It
> > does appear
> > > to work, but there may be a better way?
> > 
> > This patch introduces a security hole because an attacker could 
> > create, say, a suitable symlink between the time the name 
> is generated 
> > and the file is opened.
> Good point. I guess what I need to do is use open() 
> specifying O_CREATE, and then fdopen() that file.
> Question: Is the use of O_TEMPORARY to open() portable? (my 
> win32 docs say it will make the file automatically deleted 
> when the last descriptor is closed, which I didn't know 
> before. That would make the patch much simpler, but might 
> require #ifdefs?)

Actually, since I'm running out the door, here is a new attempt that
changes behaviour only on win32. And that also appears to work, but may
be wrong ;-)


Attachment: pg_dump_tempfile.patch
Description: pg_dump_tempfile.patch

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