> > Question: Is the use of O_TEMPORARY to open() portable? (my 
> win32 docs 
> > say it will make the file automatically deleted when the last 
> > descriptor is closed, which I didn't know before. That 
> would make the 
> > patch much simpler, but might require #ifdefs?)
> I think it would be more elegant if you wrote a replacement 
> implementation of
> tmpfile() for pgport and did not change pg_dump at all.  
> And/or write a bug to Microsoft about a buggy C library. :)

It's not buggy. It's well documented behaviour,and per my linux manpage
for the file it's also OK per spec:

       The standard does not specify the directory that tmpfile()
       will use. Glibc will try the path prefix P_tmpdir  defined
       in <stdio.h>, and if that fails the directory /tmp.

It's certainly *stupid*, but not buggy ;-)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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