Oh come on,  Sorry to troll but this is too easy.

You guys have to kill your Windows hate - in jest or otherwise. It's
zealous, and blinding.
Why would it
be assumed, that a file system designed for use from a desktop, would be
optimal at all for database style loads?

It wouldn't.
Why would someone use a desktop OS for a database?
Why would you call the result of answering the previous question
zealous and blinding?

PG's use of the OS's block cache is a good move because it makes PG
tend to 'just work' where the alternatives require non-trivial tuning
(sizing their caches not to push the OS into swap).  The advantages of
this are great enough that if additional smarts are needed in the OS
cache it might well be worth the work to add it there and to ask for
new fadvise flags to get the desired behavior.

That's something that would be easy enough for a dedicated hacker to
do, or easy enough to collaborate with the OS developers if the need
could be demonstrated clearly enough.

What reasonable OS couldn't you do that with?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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