Tom Lane wrote:
"Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
So could I get some further definition?

There are two fairly strong reasons for NOT trying to push more logic
into the backend from pg_dump:

1. It would remove the freedom we currently have to make pg_dump adapt
dumps from old servers to match newer syntax/semantics.  This has saved
our bacon more than once in the past, so it shouldn't be given up

2. The backend functions invariably read the catalogs under SnapshotNow
rules, making pg_dump unable to promise a consistent snapshot to the
extent that it relies on them.

O.k. color me stupid but what does what you said above have in any way to do with what the requirements for these functions are?

Maybe I am misunderstanding the TODO (which is entirely possible due to the complete lack of documentation on the feature) but I *thought* all I was going to do was create 6 functions that could be called to get various useful information?

For example, pg_get_tabledef() would be a very handy function to use for just about any abstracted API. As it stands now most (like Pear) create their own custom queries/functions to handle it but they are more often then not very innefficient.



Joshua D. Drake

                        regards, tom lane

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