Maybe I am misunderstanding the TODO (which is entirely possible due to the complete lack of documentation on the feature) but I *thought* all I was going to do was create 6 functions that could be called to get various useful information?

For example, pg_get_tabledef() would be a very handy function to use for just about any abstracted API. As it stands now most (like Pear) create their own custom queries/functions to handle it but they are more often then not very innefficient.

I thought the TODO item was exactly what you described:

        * %Add pg_get_acldef(), pg_get_typedefault(), pg_get_attrdef(),
          pg_get_tabledef(), pg_get_domaindef(), pg_get_functiondef()

We have per-server-version checks in pg_dump, so I figured the idea was
to use more of those functions if the exist, like we do now.  It is true
that you can't modify them for old versions as easily as you can if they
are hardcoded in pg_dump, but we our existing functions seems to work

O.k. so now what I am getting from this thread is, the functions exist now in pg_dump but we want to pull them out of pg_dump and push them into the backend?

Joshua D. Drake


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