Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The attached patch provides add-ins with the means to register for
> shared memory and LWLocks.

I finally got around to reviewing this patch, and realized that it's got
a pretty fundamental design flaw: it isn't useful under Windows (or any
other EXEC_BACKEND platform), because there isn't any provision for
backends to locate structs allocated by other backends by means of
searching in shared memory.  AFAICS the code can only do something
useful in a platform where allocations made in the postmaster process
can be found by backends via fork inheritance of pointers.

The right way to handle shmem allocations is to use ShmemInitStruct
to either allocate a shared struct for the first time or attach to a
previously made instance of the struct.  (This "struct" could be a
memory allocation arena itself, but that's not the core code's problem.)
Now we could extend the patch so that each "addin" has its own
ShmemIndex within its private workspace, but I think that's probably
overkill.  My inclination is to rip out ShmemAllocFromContext and expect
addins to use ShmemInitStruct the same as everyone else.  The hook
callable at shared_preload_libraries time should just serve to add
the necessary amount to the computed size of the shared memory segment.

RegisterAddinLWLock is broken in the same way: it could only be used
safely if the registered lock ID were remembered in shared memory,
but since shared memory doesn't exist at the time it's supposed to be
called, there's no way to do that.  Again, it'd seem to work as long as
the lock ID value were inherited via fork, but that's gonna fail on
EXEC_BACKEND builds.  I think we should probably take this out in favor
of something that just increments a counter that replaces
NUM_USER_DEFINED_LWLOCKS, and expect people to use LWLockAssign() at an
appropriate time while initializing their shared memory areas.

It strikes me that there's a race condition here, which we've not seen
in previous use because backends expect all standard shared memory
structs to have already been initialized by the postmaster.  An add-on
will instead have to operate under the regime of "first backend wanting
to use the struct must init it".  Although ShmemInitStruct returns a
"found" bool telling you you've got to init it, there's no interlock
ensuring that you can do so before someone else comes along and tries to
use the struct (which he'll assume is done because he sees found = true).
And, per above discussion, an add-on can't solve this for itself using
an add-on LWLock, because it really has to acquire its add-on locks
while initializing that same shmem struct, which is where it's going to
keep the locks' identity :-(

So I think we need to provide a standard LWLock reserved for the purpose
of synchronizing first-time use of a shmem struct.  The coding rules for
an add-on would then look like:

* in the shared_preload_libraries hook:


* in a backend, to access a shared memory struct:

        static mystruct *ptr = NULL;

        if (!ptr)
                bool    found;

                LWLockAcquire(AddinShmemInitLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
                ptr = ShmemInitStruct("my struct name", size, &found);
                if (!ptr)
                        elog(ERROR, "out of shared memory");
                if (!found)
                        initialize contents of shmem area;
                        acquire any requested LWLocks using:
                        ptr->mylockid = LWLockAssign();


                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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