[EMAIL PROTECTED] (dakotali kasap) writes:
> I want to ask, which development environment should I use to add new
> features to postgresql. Is Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tool)
> suitable for this, or are you using another environment, or just
> using pico, vi, etc.?

I can't speak for you.  I find my competence is maximized when I'm
using Emacs; others find other sets of tools preferable.  The code
doesn't care what tool you're best with.

- There are people who will swear by vi + ctags.

- There are some who still use QED.  (Albeit not for this project...)
  (These would be extreme Unix partisans who think that the move from
  ed to vi was a Bad Thing...  :-))

- Others prefer some form of Emacs.

- One of my coworkers I think uses pico for most things; he's not keen
  on either of the typical Unix editors.

As a quite wide-ranging rule, a worker who blames his tools for things
not working tends to be *spectacularly* incompetent.  If you pick
tools you're not highly familiar with, you'll be liable to fall into
that sort of problem :-(.  Pick an editor you are intimately familiar
with, and you'll be as well off as you can be.  Your errors will be
your own :-).
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="cbbrowne.com" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
`I  am convinced that  interactive systems  will never  displace batch
systems  for many  applications.' -  Brooks, _The  Mythical Man-Month_
(And this  does indeed  seem true.  MVS/CICS  systems have  *NOT* gone

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