
I've just read most of that thread and found it rather disappointing. I'd just like to add my 2 (or 3) cents:

a) I like to have the freedom to choose what software (under which licenses) I'm using. Thus I'd like to see GNUTLS supported, as it adds an additional feature to PostgreSQL per se: the option to choose between different SSL implementations.

b) The other features of Martijn's patch got completely overseen. Can we (can you Martijn?) break up the patch into smaller pieces and discuss single independent features, like querying for parameters of the SSL connection?

c) I'm disappointed at the way licenses are threated here. Being a developer myself, I'm looking at licenses as a wish of the author about how to treat his work and how to credit him. I'd like to follow these wishes as good as I can, instead of stepping into the grey-area and playing the 'hopefully-no-one-sues-us' game.

In case of the advertising clause, which is very strong, IMO, I think most authors didn't want to be as strict as they made it sound in the license. Or did any of the OpenSSL or libjpeg projects ever try to sue somebody for not having mentioned them in their advertising materials?

You can ask the authors how they really meant it, probably they will change the wording or even remove the advertising clause entirely. Or probably they officially state how they meant their advertising clause to be interpreted. (I'm not aware of the OpenSSL project doing so. While the FSF states quite clearly that they don't consider such a restriction to be respectful to their GPL.)

Following that 'better-safe-than-sorry' philosophy, one could ask if PostgreSQL shouldn't better include the acknowledgements of OpenSSL (and MIT Kerberos) in all of their advertising materials...

I fully understand and support Debian's point of view and I'd wish more people would follow that spirit. We'd have much less cases to fight for in curt and generally live in a better world (TM).



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