
Andrew Dunstan wrote:
If we are worried about the size of the transition table and keeping it in cache (see remarks from Tom upthread) then adding more keywords seems a bad idea, as it will surely expand the table. OTOH, I'd hate to make that a design criterion.

Yeah, me too. Especially because it's an implementation issue against ease of use. (Or can somebody convince me that functions would provide a simple interface?)

My main worry has been that the grammar would be stable.

You mean stability of the grammar for the new additions or for all the grammar? Why are you worried about that?

Just to quantify all this, I did a quick check on the grammar using bison -v - we appear to have 473 terminal symbols, and 420 non-terminal sybols in 1749 rules, generating 3142 states. The biggest tables generated are yytable and yycheck, each about 90kb on my machine.

That already sounds somewhat better that Tom's 300 kb. And considering that these caches most probably grow faster than our grammar...



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