Teodor Sigaev wrote:
Right, except that flag is per operator in operator class, and what I'm proposing is that the index could pass a flag per tuple in the scan.

That might make sense even for GiST. Sometimes complex compressions is used in GiST opclasses. If indexing value is rather small then it's stored in index as is, but large value is compressed with lossy techniques. So, GiST might return a tuple which is allowed to not recheck.

Interesting. So we'd add a flag to the index tuples in GiST indicating if the tuple is lossily compressed or not. The compress-function would set that flag when it performs lossy compression, and gistgettuple would return it to the caller.

That would completely replace the current RECHECK-option we have, right?

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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