
Gregory Stark wrote:
Put another way, multi-table indexes defeat the whole purpose of having
partitioned the table in the first place. If you could have managed a single
massive index then you wouldn't have bothered partitioning.

That depends very much on the implementation of the multi-table index, as you describe below. I think the major missing part is not *how* such a meta-index should work - it's easily understandable, that one could use the per-table indices - but a programming interface, similar to the current index scan or sequential scan facility, which could return a table and tuple pointer, no?

However there is a use case that can be handled by a kind of compromise index.
Indexes that have leading columns which restrict all subtrees under that point
to a single partition can be handled by a kind of meta-index. So you have one
index which just points you to the right partition and corresponding index.


That lets you enforce unique constraints as long as the partition key is part
of the unique constraint.

Is that already sufficient? That would alter the ordering of the columns in the index, no? I mean:

CREATE INDEX x ON test(a, b, c);

isn't the same as

CRETAE INDEX x ON test(c, b, a);

That's why I'd say, the first column of an index would have to be equal to all of the columns used in the partitioning key.



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