Simon Riggs wrote:
On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 20:55 +0200, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:

Questioning the other way around: do we need any sort of multi-table indexes at all, or isn't it enough to teach the planner and executor how to intelligently scan through (possibly) multiple indexes to get what is requested?

No, I don't think we need multi-table indexes at all.

If we don't have multi-table indexes how do we enforce a primary key against a partitioned set? What about non primary keys that are just UNIQUE? What about check constraints that aren't apart of the exclusion?

Joshua D. Drake

The planner already uses the Append node to put together multiple plans.
The great thing is it will put together IndexScans and SeqScans as
applicable. No need for multi-scans as a special node type.


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