Zeugswetter Andreas ADI SD wrote:
mingw-runtime-3.10 introduced a gettimeofday declaration in sys/time.h
that is not compatible with port.h.
(current is mingw-runtime-3.12)

int __cdecl gettimeofday(struct timeval *__restrict__,
                         void *__restrict__  /* tzp (unused) */);

The problem was already reported by Marc Lepage on June 26, 2006 shortly
after the mingw-runtime release,
(He reported back that it was a MinGW installation issue. But it is a
version issue.).

Now, we could probably make a case that MinGW needs to use "struct
timezone" instead of void,
but that change alone still does not make pg compile, because of the
"#define TIMEZONE_GLOBAL timezone"
in port.h.

Any opinions on how to proceed ?

I don't see 3.10 on the download page at http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml

The current release is apparently 3.9.



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