Bruce Momjian wrote:
I want to apologize for having my signature at the bottom of the 8.2.4,
etc. release announcement.  There is no reason to mention my name,
company, and web site at the bottom of something that is supposed to
come from the community.  And I didn't even write that email --- I was
doing it for someone else.  I also didn't realize my email would be
picked up, verbatum, by web sites:

As soon as I saw the posted version I knew the signature looked odd. I
will try to remember to remove it in the future if I ever have to make
such announcements again.

Well, I at least was not even slightly offended. Some people are way too sensitive in my opinion.


andrew (Pastafarian)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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