Now that we seem to have MSVC building working tolerably well, I think we need a bit of cleanup. In particular, I think the config setup needs to be more like the arguments we pass to the standard configure script. This shouldn't be hard, but I think it should be done before we go to beta, if possible. I think the names should match up pretty much one for one - this should make faking out pg_config easier.

Since this is a perl hash, we'll need to have some sort of mapping convention. I suggest this:

. where the configure arg doesn't take a value, make the hash value undef (e.g. '--enable-integer-datetimes' => undef ) . where the configure arg would occur with a single value, just set that (e.g. '--prefix' => 'c:\\foo' ) . where the configure arg would occur with a multiple value, provide a listref (e.g. '--with-libs' => [ 'c:\\bar', 'd:\\baz' ] )




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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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