my name is Robert Mach and I am happy to by working on GSoC project for Postgresql. The name of the project is Integrity check algorithm for data files in Postgresql.

So far, I have put together a list of possible checks for data failure and I would like to hear as much opinions on this list or even better some recommendation on what should be added to this list or removed.

Before presenting possible errors, I divided them into physical and logical errors. Physical errors will refer to errors in the structure of pages and tuples, whereas logical errors will depict errors that cause incorrect performance of postgresql, but are correct according the structure of data files.

In order to find PHYSICAL errors:
- check whether the total size of all TOAST table chunks is the same as the size mentioned in the TOASTed table - in case of variable length representation of data (attlen = -1) compare the real size of stored data with the size of data mentioned within the varlena lenth word - count the number of rows in a table and compare it with the pg_class.reltuples of corresponding record in pg_class. -check the format of data according to the flags (that determine the representation) belonging to them. e.g.: in case of TOASTed values, is the size of pointer datum really 20B?, etc.
-check the fields firmly defined by the structure for occurrence of odd data

In order to find LOGICAL errors:
-check the validity of all items in index (e.g. concurrent update and index scan with constrain could cause inconsistent snapshot of database used for creating the index)/ -After creating of index or running the index scan, check whether all tuples that should be indexed are really indexed (e.g. ) -check the validity and effectiveness of free space map (whether it is not considering valid data as free, whether the size is fitting the needs of database, etc.) -check whether all user-defined functions in the database are visible/usable for the users (maybe also verify privileges..)
-check whether the constrains applied on items are fulfilled:
    - the uniqueness
    - range of values
    - correctness of foreign key values
-in case of very large databases, check whether the wrap around of transactions IDs occurred. (Transaction ID = 2 to the power of 32)
-check the integrity of catalogs

I see different ways of delivering this functionality to Postgresql. The best of course would be to become part of Postgresql release either as a PostgreSQL command (like UPDATE) or as an postgresql server application like vacuumdb. Other possibility is to create a freestanding program that would be called with location of datafiles as arguments. Last possibility is to create an administrative console access (single user mode) to the database in which this integrity check could be fired.

I hope to get lots of thoughts on this proposal as well as lots on other ideas on what should be checked in odrer to verify the integrity of data in Postgres.



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