Tatsuo Ishii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ok, probably we need to copy the English stemming rule to the one for
> Japanese.

Pardon my ignorance here, but is the concept of stemming even relevant
to Japanese/Chinese/Korean?  What little I know about ideographic
languages suggests it wouldn't work well.  And surely the specific rules
in the Snowball project's English stemmer wouldn't work.

> I think same thing (commonly used English with local
> language) can be applied to Chinese and Korean.

Well, it's not hard at all to find chunks of English text that have
embedded bits of French, Spanish, or what-have-you, but that's not an
argument for trying to intermix the stemmers.  I doubt that such simple
bits of program could tell the language difference well enough to
determine which stemming rules to apply.

                        regards, tom lane

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