What is the official stance on handling compiler warnings?
I got a bit curious today on how many warnings our builds are generating
on the buildfarm.
I have hacked up a small script that (in a very primitive way) parses
the "make" stage logfiles of all unix boxes reporting on HEAD and prints
the number of lines that appear to be either diagnostics or warnings
emited during a build with the following results:

animal: mongoose            warnings: 2379
animal: warthog             warnings: 1368
animal: kudu                warnings: 748
animal: turnip_moth         warnings: 736
animal: gypsy_moth          warnings: 736
animal: winter_moth         warnings: 700
animal: ghost_moth          warnings: 700
animal: dot_moth            warnings: 700
animal: codlin_moth         warnings: 700
animal: dugong              warnings: 371
animal: emu                 warnings: 265
animal: orangutan           warnings: 198
animal: spoonbill           warnings: 126
animal: zebra               warnings: 124
animal: tucuxi              warnings: 124
animal: lionfish            warnings: 87
animal: wildebeest          warnings: 77
animal: rook                warnings: 76
animal: rosella             warnings: 74
animal: dragonfly           warnings: 72
animal: wombat              warnings: 71
animal: Shad                warnings: 71
animal: quagga              warnings: 71
animal: caracara            warnings: 71
animal: bobcat              warnings: 71
animal: barasingha          warnings: 71
animal: grebe               warnings: 50
animal: eel                 warnings: 43
animal: thrush              warnings: 32
animal: salamander          warnings: 27
animal: clownfish           warnings: 26
animal: osprey              warnings: 24
animal: luna_moth           warnings: 15
animal: emperor_moth        warnings: 15
animal: canary              warnings: 14
animal: impala              warnings: 9
animal: jackal              warnings: 7
animal: bear                warnings: 6
animal: viper               warnings: 5
animal: cuckoo              warnings: 5
animal: cardinal            warnings: 5
animal: boodie              warnings: 5
animal: aubrac              warnings: 5
animal: sponge              warnings: 3
animal: dungbeetle          warnings: 3
animal: tapir               warnings: 0
animal: platypus            warnings: 0
animal: ermine              warnings: 0

a lot of those are simply noise (like the LOOP VECTORIZED stuff from the
icc boxes or the "statement not reached" spam from the sun compilers)
but others might indicate real issues.
To find warnings that might be a real problem we might want to look into
 suppressing those - if possible -  using compiler switches.

comments ?


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