Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Dave Page wrote:
Andrew Dunstan wrote:
On a somewhat related note, I have had spectacular lack of success in getting either MSVC or MinGW builds to work on Vista - so much so that I have currently abandoned my attempts on that platform and I resorted to resuscitating an old XP box for testing. Following some advice from Magnus, I added ACLs to the build root for both an admin and a non-admin user (cacls buildroot /E /T /G AdminUser:C and similarly for a non-admin user) . I can build as the admin user but when I come to run initdb it fails, complaining that it can't find the postgres executable.
Yeah, I ran into that problem as well. I'll look at my Vista box when I'm in the office tomorrow and see if I can figure out what hack fixed it for me.

I have never heard back on this, AFAIK. If anyone has instructions on how to manage this please let me know. My current status with MSVC/vista is still that I can build but not run as an admin user, and run but not build as a non-admin user. Bleah.


Described situation looks like you are trying to run initdb under Admin account. This will happen even if currently logged user in not admin, but initdb has property 'run as administrator' set or you are trying to run it under some file commander which is running in admin mode.


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