On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 19:35 +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> >> Rats, I've always liked Gentoo. ;)
> > 
> > I'd agree with Tom on that: we need a system that remains the same over
> > longer periods, not simply a very fast one. I'm OK with Fedora.
> fedora is probably not a prime example for "stays same over long period"
> (which I think is important) since it has pretty short release cycles.
> Maybe something like ubuntu LTS, Debian Etch or even CentOS would be
> more appropriate (we have debian on a number of very similiar HP boxes
> and HP is doing Debian Support now too).

OK... Gavin please arbitrate: tis your box. I'm a DB tech, dont really
care about OS.

  Simon Riggs
  EnterpriseDB  http://www.enterprisedb.com

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