On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 11:48:34PM +0200, Rolf Schillinger wrote:
> Hi again,
> it`s now offical, I found a bug in JDBC driver in pgsql 7.1 ;)


> I had the following problems:
> /usr/local/jakarta-ant-1.3/bin//ant -buildfile ../../../build.xml


> expected
>     [javac]     return ${major};


> when using 
> JDK:
> java version "1.3.0"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
> Blackdown-1.3.0-RC1)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.3.0-RC1, mixed mode)
> Ant:
> Ant version 1.3 compiled on March 2 2001
> Postgresql:
> As stated above: 7.1

To narrow the problem...

Has anybody had success compiling unpatched 7.1 JDBC driver
with JDK1.3 and Ant 1.2/1.3?  If not, could this patch be
applied?  Ant 1.4 betas seem to be ok.


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