Bruce Momjian wrote:

Right now we have log_min_error_statement:
        #log_min_error_statement = panic # Values in order of increasing severity:
                                         #   debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
                                         #   info, notice, warning, error, panic(off)

which does allow control of printing only statements generating errors,
which includes syntax errors.  I don't see why this functionality should
be mixed in with log_statement.

Did you want a 'syntax error' level to log_statement, that would print
only statements with syntax errors but not other errors?  That doesn't
seem very useful to me.

It wasn't my idea, but I thought it was a good one. But it would go along with the idea of these settings as a list instead of a hierarchy, e.g.:

log_statement = "syntax-errors, ddl, mod"

In fact, I liked it so much that I thought "syntax-errors" should be the default instead of "none".

I think I'd prefer that to having it tied to the log_min_error_statement level. But I don't care that much.



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